Green Apple Bittergourd(Pavayka) Juice

>> 12/26/09

Ingredients :-

1.Green Apples - 2
2.Bittergourd - 1/2 cup
3.Fatfree Milk - as required

Preperation :-
Squish out juices from apple and bittergourd in a juicer and mix it with milk. Ready to drink.

Health Benefits of,

1.Green Apples :-
        Apples are packed with pectin, which is a fiber that helps regulate blood fats and improves cholesterol. Pectin is what gives apples that sort of translucent look and crunchy texture. This crunchy texture itself can actually have some indirect weight loss benefits, as many people have a craving for crunchiness (think potato chips and other snacks). Apple slices may provide a healthier way to quell your crunch craving. The fiber of the apple helps to stabilize blood glucose and insulin levels which helps us to control our appetite. A green apple or two before a meal can greatly reduce the volume of food you eat at a meal. This in turn decreases the amount of total calories you take in.

2.Bittergourd :-
        Bitter gourd also known as bitter melon, is low in calories but big on nutrients, with twice as much potassium as a banana and twice the beta-carotene of broccoli. It is also a good source of folic acid, zinc, magnesium, fiber and phosphorous. It is also chock full of and Vitamins B1, B2, B3 and C. Bitter gourd can help boost the immune system because it provides vitamin-rich nutrients. A British clinical study has shown that consumption of bitter gourd can help lower blood sugar since it contains an insulin-like principle known as plant-insulin. Bitter melon has been shown to increase energy and stabilize sleep patterns. 


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